Saturday, 7 September 2019

We live in a digital era that social media has overtaken the traditional media providing
opportunities for two-way communication and promoting both expert and crowd-sourced sharing of knowledge and information. Nevertheless, this culture of sharing demands for an innovation in the educational landscape, providing future voters, citizens, and leaders with tools and skills as to successfully learn how to discern quality in information, both in its consumption and creation.

This blog provides resources on raising awareness on media literacy based on a project entitled

Media Literacy and Critical Thinking: Training the Future Digital Citizens and Leaders

A shorter version of this name, favored by students, is

Media Literacy for

Project Goal and Objectives 

The overall goal is to help our students, that is, our future voters, citizens, and leaders
raise awareness of fake news, misinformation, and dissemination of fake news, considering that it can negatively influence public opinion and lead to negative consequences for different spheres of society, causing damage in a community, a region or even a country. The project activities refer to both cognitive and affective domain of learning and are in alignment with its objectives. More specifically, the objectives we intend to meet after the completion of the project are:

Objective 1: Identify the need to raise students’ awareness on media literacy and analyze its importance for future citizens and leaders

Objective 2: Use a range of strategies to interpret media texts and apply pedagogical
approaches and activities in the educational context to promote sustainable citizenship

Objective 3: Synthesize the results and the effectiveness of the implementation of
classroom activities on media literacy

Objective 4: Communicate the results with colleagues and local community and
encourage further community engagement and sustainability.

This project is funded through an Alumni TIES small grant from the U.S. Department of State.

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